Baby W: 20 & 21 Weeks

Hey Y’all,

I was pretty busy lazy last week so I didn’t blog, but I’m making up for it again with a double this time. I did manage to get a quick picture last week, but its kinda horrible. I’m going to share it with you anyway because clearly I love self deprecation.  This week’s picture is better though!

Kevin and I are also officially one week away from heading back to the states for Turkey Day!! We are really so excited to be able to go home and see all of our friends and family while I’m still pregnant. It doesn’t hurt that we’ll be eating some really outstanding food while we’re home. I think we’re more excited about eating than doing anything else. I’m hoping these next 6 and a quarter days go by at lightning speed!

That’s it for updates so lets get down to the baby business!

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Like I said before, just ignore that really horrible 20 week picture. Its pretty rough…

How Far Along: 21 weeks 6 days

Baby Size and Development: 20 weeks: B is approximately 10 and a half ounces and measures 10 inches from head to heel (its kind of a big deal that he can be measured from head to heel now instead of head to rump) – he’s about the size of a banana! He is swallowing more and more which is helping to prepare his digestive system. He’s also producing meconium now, which is what his first dirty diaper will consist of. (Not so excited about that one)

21 weeks: This week B is weighing in at approximately three quarters of a pound and is about 10 and a half inches long – about the size of a carrot! He has eyebrows and eyelids now!

Weight Gain: Well last time I weighed, it was about 15 lbs. Not super excited about that one. Once you hit the half way mark they say you are supposed to gain about a pound a week so it looks like a few of those pounds decided to take a group trip and take up residence together.

Maternity clothes: I’m hoping that I’ll be able to find some good sales when I go back to the states. Its pretty essential since I’m growing out of everything! The bottom of my tummy has been very cold on a few occasions in the past couple of weeks.

Stretch Marks: Still the same old one that appeared a couple weeks ago. We’re not friends.

Sleep: Well once I actually get to sleep I can actually sleep okay. Getting comfortable is more and more difficult all the time. Plus, my extra vivid dreams are coming back so I think maybe I’m not actually resting as much as I should be at night because my dreams are off the freaking wall right now.

Gender: Boy 🙂

Movement: He is an active little guy. Fortunately he hasn’t hurt my yet, but sometimes I feel like he’s doing a gymnastics floor routine in there, just bouncing and flipping every which way. I did have a scare last week after having my first bout with Braxton Hicks contractions. I couldn’t feel him almost all morning and afternoon after the BH so I drank some caffeine, poked around to see if he would move, tried to be still and quiet to see if he perked up. Nothing. Then around 4 or 5 pm I finally felt him just a little and just a couple of times. I guess he as having a lazy day in there. I was trying not to be an irrational first time mom, but I’ll admit I did get a little panicky.

Best Moment of the Week: Hearing from housing and imagining bringing B home to the new house!

Looking Forward To: Flying home and seeing everyone! Oh and eating lots of American food

Food Cravings: Oh man, with our trip coming up my cravings are going haywire! I have a whole list of things that I want to eat that we don’t have here in Germany, none of them are particularly healthy either. I might have to lie about my weight gain on the next post or two….

Things That Make Me Queasy/Sick: Still nothing in particular. Lucky on that front!

Labor Signs: Nope! Hopefully B will hold off for another 127ish more days!

What I Miss: Wine

Symptoms: Right now its all about the rib cramps. It feels like someone is squeezing the top of my rib cage about 60% of the time. I’ve also started swelling some so that’s been fun…. On my girls trip to Poland earlier this week, I noticed that my legs, ankles and feet were starting to swell. It wasn’t terrible, but it was weird. My hands have also been feeling tighter from time to time.

Nursery: We are hopefully going to start purchasing things for the nursery when we get home from the states and get settled into the new place!

Belly Button In or Out: Still in!

Wedding Rings On or Off: On! I’m not sure how much longer that is doing to last though

Mood: I have had very little patience recently and definitely haven’t easy to calm down, especially this past week. Also, I’ve really started becoming aware of the changes in my body which hasn’t really bothered my until now. Maybe its just part of the hormones, but hopefully I’ll snap out of it soon. Maybe recharging in the states will help me be a little more cheerful.

Workouts: This morning I did a prenatal yoga routine because my body was so sore and tight, especially my back. I really need to start doing it every morning so maybe I won’t be so achy all the time.

Letters to Baby: Dear B, I know you are going to change me for the better. I can’t wait to be your mom.

Love, Mom

I’m not really sure how the next couple blogs are going to go since we’ll be in the states for 2 weeks. I’m thinking that I might have to do another double blog once we get back because I don’t usually like to blog while we’re traveling. We’ll just see how it goes though.

Til next time!


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4 thoughts on “Baby W: 20 & 21 Weeks

  1. You are so cute! I just found your blog and I’m about a week behind you (also having a boy) so I’m excited to follow your journey. 🙂

    About lack of movement, usually Drs here in the states will have you start doing kick counts around 28 weeks. I’m sure Germany Drs probably do something like that too. However, I had a few scares with my first baby before 28 weeks and I went ahead and had the baby checked out at the hospital just for my peace of mind. 🙂 Never feel bad about being a paranoid first time mom. I always say, better safe than sorry. 🙂

    • Thank you! That’s awesome! Is this your first as well?

      I’ve heard the same about kick counts here, but I knew that I was to early to really get reliable kick counts. If I really get scared I will call and I was on the verge of calling the other day, but he let me know he was there just in time. Absolutely better safe than sorry! Thanks so much for reading and commenting!

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