Baby W: Weeks 32 & 33

Hey Y’all,

Well, we have some news. This past Sunday I had to go into Labor & Delivery because there were a couple things that were concerning me. One of my concerns ended up being just fine. We’re still waiting on the results from one of my labs that is being tested for a condition called Obstetric Cholestasis. Cholestatis is a liver functioning issue that releases bile salts into the blood stream. It’s not dangerous to me, but can result in a stillbirth so it is something that needs to be closely monitored. We won’t know the results for a few more days. While I was being tested and monitored, the nurse found that my blood pressure was elevated and decided to run an intermittent blood pressure test. I continued to have high blood pressures so they asked me to come in the next morning to do another blood pressure test. Yesterday morning I had 5 more high BP readings. At that point I was diagnosed as Gestational Hypertensive. With the new diagnosis I will now be monitored twice a week in conjunction with my regular doctor’s appointments. Tomorrow I am scheduled for a growth scan with the high risk doctor just to make sure the kiddo is growing normally. The medical team is going to schedule my induction for 37 weeks. Looks like our baby B could be here as early as February 27th! I’ve been trying to wrap my mind around our little guy coming 4 weeks early, but its throwing me for a loop. Ideally I’d like him to develop as much as possible before coming, but I’d be lying if I said I’m not a little bit excited to see him early. Hopefully everything will continue without incident until the induction date, but I know that I’m in great hands. The medical teams has been amazing about making sure that I’m getting all my appointments on time and have truly shown concern for my well being and the health of the baby.

Baby Size and Development: B weighs a little over 4 pounds and is a little more than 17 inches long – about the size of a pineapple. As he gains weight he is starting to look less like an alien and more like a sweet baby as his skeleton is starting to harden and he starts gaining more and more weight!

Maternity Clothes: Desperately trying to find new wardrobe combinations with my leggings, tank tops and cardigans. I don’t want to buy anymore clothes with the end so near so forgive me if you see me in the same 4 outfits every week for the next 4 weeks.

Stretch Marks: No change

Sleep: Sleep was very difficult in these past 2 weeks until my visit to L&D. One of the main signs of the Obstetric Cholestasis is itchy hands and feet. My feet were itching so badly that it was waking me up at night or preventing me from sleeping all together. Now, I’m prescribed some medication (its basically a super benodryl) that helps me sleep at night. I still wake up, but I can actually go back to sleep which is a huge relief. I’m not quite ready for the 2-3 hour nights yet. I want to sleep for the next 4 weeks while I still can!

Gender: Baby boy

Movement: He’s so strong and active. Its a huge relief to feel him with the new medical concerns. Luckily, B still looks amazing and he scored a 100% at our NST appointment today!

Best Moment of the Week: Hearing B’s strong little heartbeat

Looking Forward To: The growth scan tomorrow! I haven’t seen him since 19 weeks so it’ll be fun to see how much bigger he’s gotten.

Food Cravings: Sweets and biscuits and gravy

Things Making Me Queasy/Sick: Heartburn and my squished up stomach

Labor Signs: Not really!

What I Miss: Being able to wear more than leggings, tank tops and cardigans. Don’t get me wrong. I’m comfy most of the time, but I like a little variety.

Symptoms: Oh just the rib cramping, back aches, swollen feet, itchy feet

Nursery: Still nothing new. Hopefully this weekend we’ll start painting the dresser!

Belly Button In or Out: Pretty much non existent

Wedding Rings On or Off: Just off

Mood: Prettty good with a side of worry

Letters to Baby: All I want right now is for you to be strong and healthy.

Love, Mom

Now you guys are all caught up on the craziness of the past few days!

Til next time!


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One thought on “Baby W: Weeks 32 & 33

  1. Keep us posted! Sorry you are having some problems. I delivered my last baby at 37 weeks and I would be lying if I said that I’m not hoping for this next baby to come around the same time. 😉 Getting excited to meet him.

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