Baby Walkup: 16 Weeks

Hey Y’all,

During week 16, we had a doctor’s appointment, attended a Brigade military ball and officially started mentally preparing to find out the sex of Baby W!

Our doctor’s appointment went well. I was weighed and had my blood pressure taken like normal. They measured my belly and used a Fetal Heart Doppler to try and detect the baby’s heartbeat. Terrifying thing was that they actually couldn’t find the heartbeat with the Doppler. That may have been one of the most nerve-wracking moments of my life. On the bright side, we actually got to see the baby in the ultrasound! Everything was great and Baby W is just fine! Our midwife even said that the baby was “nice and muscular”. He/She had its hand up by its face almost the whole time. His/her heart rate went from 184 beats/min at the first ultrasound to 153 beats/min. I was really pleased that we had the ultrasound since Kevin was on mission for the first one. It was nice that he didn’t have to wait until the anatomy scan to see the baby.

Speaking of anatomy scan, ours is scheduled for next week! Yeah, I know, I can’t believe it either. Hopefully the baby will cooperate and we’ll find out whether we are expecting a baby boy or girl! I’m trying my best not to get too worked up about it and I’m trying to wipe all my preconceived notions about the gender away. I want to be as unbiased as possible going into the appointment. We’ll obviously be happy with either, but we can’t wait to know what to expect so we can start planning!

Outside of actual doctors visits, Baby W attended his/her first official military function. This past week we attended the 16th Sustainment Brigade Ball. Its always fun to get all gussied up, but I was really quite nervous about it with the new bump and all. I was rather happy with the way it turned out though! We had a great night with friends and I always love participating and witnessing Army traditions.

Oh and we had to take a pre-ball selfie

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Shout out to Annie Bernstein…hair stylist extraordinaire

Now, down to the real baby business

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How Far Along: 16 weeks 6 days

Baby Size and Development: Baby W is about the size of an avocado – four and a half inches long and three and a half ounces! His/Her heart is pumping about 25 quarts of blood a day and has started growing toenails on those tiny baby feet!

Weight Gain: So last time I mentioned that my home scale is probably a liar. I confirmed this theory at my Dr appt. Looks like I’ve gained approximately 9 lbs. I’m nearing the half way point of my pregnancy while nearing the halfway point to my allotted weight gain. Eh…I’m ok with it.

Maternity Clothes: Still rocking my 2 pairs of maternity jeans. I kinda love them. They are my only real maternity clothes though. Can’t wait to get some yoga pants though!

Stretch Marks: Nope but I’m becoming increasingly more paranoid about them

Sleep: Sleep and I have quite a strained relationship. Not only am I waking up in the middle of the night every night, but while I am getting a few hours of shut eye, I am having the CRAZIEST dreams ever! They aren’t pleasant either.

Gender: Can’t wait to find out next week!

Movement: I’ve had a couple feelings recently that I thought might have been kicks, but I’m still not sure so we will see

Best Moment of the Week: Getting to see the baby!!

Looking Forward to: Finding out the gender!!!

Food Cravings: The latest craving was lasagna, but it has been short lived so far. I’ve been craving sushi my entire pregnancy though. Cruel joke kid….

Things That Make Me Queasy/Sick: Not a lot, fortunately. Sometimes leftovers, but that’s all I can think of.

Labor Signs: Nope!

What I Miss: sushisushisushisushi……I have been eating a little sushi, but I really miss stuffing my whole face with it.

Symptoms: Mainly just the cravings right now. Oh and the whole growing belly thing.

Nursery: I’m still sticking with my old theme if its a boy, but I’m playing with the idea of doing a black, white and gold theme if its a girl. Sorta Kate Spade inspired.

Belly Button In or Out: In!

Wedding Rings On or Off: On!

Mood: I’ve reigned in some of the weepies, but I’m still a bit quicker to tears. I can get rid of them much quicker now though!

Workouts: None to speak of….We don’t judge here

Letters to Baby: Dear Baby, We are just a few days away from finding out if you are going to be our little boy or little girl. The truth is that it doesn’t really matter. You are part of us and we made you. You will have strengths and imperfections uniquely your own. You will be our child and that’s all that matters because we love you unconditionally.

Love, Mom

Since I’m behind on getting this post out I’ll be posting the 17 week update in the next few days and the 18 week update a few days after that. Sorry for the overload, but I gotta catch up!

What do you think Baby Walkup is going be? Team Pink or Team Blue??? Let me know!

Til Next Time


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Baby Walkup: 14/15 Weeks

Hey Y’all,

So, I was staying with friends all last week so technically didn’t get around to my 14 week update. The perfect solution is to just combine weeks 14 and 15…at least that’s I think anyway.

During week 14 Baby W and I officially entered into our 2nd trimester!!! Yay, go us! I couldn’t wait to officially enter into the oasis known as the second trimester. The risk of miscarriage goes down, you get to experience all the fun stuff in this period (gender reveal and baby movements/kicks), and you’re supposed to start feeling like yourself again! I’m still waiting on the energy to return, baby kicks and gender reveal, but those will come pretty soon…hopefully.

Week 14 was a big week for baby and I. We went to 2 fests, Weinfest and Oktoberfest, we went to a breastfeeding class and started going to an expectant mothers coffee group! We were accompanied by great friends every step of the way and I have to say that week 14 may have been the best yet!

Week 15 has just started for me so not many new developments yet, but this is going to be a busy week as well. Kevin comes home from mission tomorrow and I’m going to be spending some quality time with friends. If that isn’t a good week then I don’t know what is!

Today, especially, holds a special place in the hearts of our family. Two years ago we almost suffered a loss that we couldn’t have recovered from. My brother-in-law, Franz, almost lost his life in Afghanistan serving our country. Today we can celebrate the fact that he is still with us, more ALIVE than ever. Even though we couldn’t be happier that he’s with us, we still remember those who lost their lives that day, those who lose their lives at all for the sake of our country. Franz, I don’t know what we would’ve done without you and I can’t imagine you not being in our child’s life, even if you are going to teach it mostly bad things ;). Shannon, thank you for being so strong, supportive and the best caregiver. You willed him back to health.

Now, on to the update.

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How Far Along: 15 weeks 3 days

Baby Size and Development: Baby W is about the size of an apple – 4 inches long and about two and a half ounces! He/she can sense light now even though his/her eyelids are sill fused shut. He/she can also move all of its joints at this point!

Weight Gain: According to my scale its still about 5-7 lbs. I’m starting to wonder if its just faulty because I’m feeling and people are telling me I’m big. Hopefully I’m not in for a rude awakening at my appointment this week….

Maternity Clothes: Yess!!! I bought 2 pair of maternity jeans from H&M and it has been the best money I have ever spent. So comfortable and they aren’t hideous! I have no shame in my maternity game.

Stretch Marks: Nope, but the itchy skin has begun so I’ve been lathering up at least once a day, sometimes twice.

Sleep: Its touch and go. Sometimes I sleep like the dead for 8-9 hours and other times I wake up multiple times a night. Either way I’m still always tired.

Gender: Waiting patiently impatiently. I’m sort of hoping that I can talk my Dr into giving me an ultrasound at my 16 week appt.

Movement: Nope, I don’t think so. Sometimes I feel flutters but they aren’t positioned correctly so I’m pretty confident its just gas or something.

Best Moment of the Week: I’m going based off of last week, but I would say it was just a really good week all around. I loved that I got to experience the fests even though not a drop of alcohol was had. I’m also really glad that I went to the expectant mothers coffee group. I feel like its going to be a great resource.

Looking Forward to: Kevin coming home!!!

Food Cravings: None in particular right now. I was craving avocados, but I had one today so now I’m just waiting for the next thing.

Things Making Me Queasy/Sick: Nothing right now. I’m so thankful not to be nauseous! Its the WORST!

Labor Signs: None! 172 days to go!

What I Miss: Nothing in particular as of right now. Maybe cold Salami…

Symptoms: Just really tired most of the time. Still getting headaches on and off. I think I’m going to ask the Dr to check my iron levels again at my appt this week, just in case.

Nursery: I’m still going strong on my vintage, Great Gatsby theme

Belly Button In or Out: In, but its definitely stretching

Wedding Rings On or Off: On!

Mood: Extra sentimental and weepy these past two weeks. I’ve been on the verge of tears the whole time!

Workouts: Still haven’t made it to that prenatal yoga, but I was really active last week so I mean I was walking and stuff. Also, the stairs…I’ve been going up and down those sooo…….

Letters to Baby: Dear Baby, I hope that we can always remember how special it is that we all have each other. Life can be taken so quickly so I vow to try my hardest to always tell you how much I love you, tell you how you amaze me and to let you make the decisions that will form you into the person you want to be. I hope that you always feel at home with your family and you know that you can find refuge within our love for you.

Love, Mom

That’s week 14 and 15! Next week I’ll give you an update on our 16 week Dr appt!

Til next time!


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Baby Walkup: 13 Weeks

Hey Y’all,

So, its time for this week’s installment of Baby Walkup updates!!!! Good news, I finally found my camera cord so I can put my camera pictures on here instead of the phone ones. Anyway, we’ll get down to it!

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I’ll be so happy when Kevin can help me take pictures!

How Far Along: 13 weeks 5 days – 2 days away from 2nd trimester!!

Baby Size and Development: Baby W is about the size of a pea pod this week – almost 3 inches long and weighs about an ounce! He/She has fingerprints this week. What?!?! Yeah, it was crazy to me too. If you were to peak into the womb you’d be able to see the baby’s organs and veins through its still translucent skin.

Weight Gain: About the same, 5-6 lbs. It fluctuates.

Maternity Clothes: I haven’t gotten anything yet, but I’m going shopping tomorrow!!

Stretch Marks: Nope, nothing yet 🙂

Sleep: I’ve been sleeping like a freaking log these past couple of weeks. I’ve been averaging about 8 hours of hardcore sleep a night, and I’m still taking naps during the day.

Gender: Still not sure! I can’t wait to find out. I hate calling he/she an it!

Movement: Nothing. It probably won’t happen for a few more weeks.

Best Moment of the Week: Not being nauseous or having any headaches! I’ve felt great all week!

Looking Forward to: Feeling the baby move!

Food Cravings: Those of you that are Facebook friends with me know that a few days ago I was really, really craving Papa John’s pizza. That quickly passed and I haven’t had many cravings since.

Things Making Me Queasy/Sick: Not a thing right now!

Labor Signs: None, thankfully! 184 days to go!

What I Miss: Since its Fest season in Germany, I’m really missing the ability to have a glass of wine or beer

Symptoms: Still mostly the fatigue. Every once in a while I’ll get growing pains in my tummy. Muscles stretching and stuff moving around in preparation for a growing baby!

Nursery: I’ve really gotten into one theme – Green, Black, Gold and White. If its a boy It will be more green and black, bolder. If its a girl it’ll be more white, gold, and green, a bit softer. If you follow my pinterest you probably know what I’m talking about. I really want to add in a Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald, vintage style with things like: old F. Scott Fitzgerald books to accent the nightstand or bookshelf, F.SF quotes to hang on the wall and vintage looking gold pieces to accent it. We’ll see if I can pull that off though.

Belly Button In or Out: In but I think its stretching. I might just be crazy though.

Wedding Rings On or Off: On! Hopefully they’ll stay that way!

Mood: I’ve actually been pretty chipper this week!

Workouts: Yeah…ummm….pretty much the same as last week. I’m determined to make it to next week’s prenatal yoga though!

Letter to Baby: Dear Baby, I’m so glad that you came to us when you did. We always knew we wanted you, but struggled with the timing. I’m overjoyed that we no longer have to wonder because you’re already with us! Once we knew you were growing, we knew it was the perfect thing and it was meant to be. We can’t wait to meet you, love you, teach you and grow with you. You are the most important.

Love, Mom

Tune in next week for the week 14 update!

Til next time!


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Baby Walkup: 12 weeks

Hey Y’all,

So, by now everyone that knows me personally (and maybe some that don’t) know that my eggo is preggo. I’m pregnant, in layman’s terms. That’s right, there will be a baby Walkup coming in March 2015! We are all absolutely ecstatic about our little baby boy/girl! Since this will be the first grandchild on both sides of the family I feel like we might have an extra hard time teaching this kid that he/she is NOT the center of the universe. We are so happy that everyone wants to love and spoil our little blessing. So, I’m going to posting a new blog every week chronicling my pregnancy journey. I want to have this to look back through the years to remind me of the unique experience of being pregnant for the first time. When our little one is old enough he/she can look back at my online journal and know what I was feeling and what was going on while we were learning and growing together. I hope you are as excited as we are to go through the life changing experience with me. Its sure to be a fun, terrifying, loving, insane, beautiful ride!

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How Far Along: 12 weeks 5 days

Baby Size & Development: Baby W is the size of a lime this week – just over 2 inches! This week the baby is able to open and close it’s fingers, curl it’s toes, and make sucking movements with it’s mouth!

Weight Gain: As of this morning it was 6 lbs.

Maternity Clothes: Not yet! Believe it or not I’m so pumped about maternity pants. I really never thought I would feel that way. Jeans are seriously like torture devices at this point. Can’t wait for my shopping spree!

Stretch Marks: Not yet, thank goodness! Now that I’m nearing my 2nd trimester I’ll have to start lathering up and guzzling water to try and help minimize/prevent them.

Sleep: It depends on the week really. The first month I was waking up around 2:00ish am every morning to pee and eat. Last week I was waking up every couple of hours to pee. This week I’ve been sleeping through the night! Lets hope it stays that way for awhile. Lord knows that I need to stock up on my sleep.

Gender: Obviously we don’t know quite yet. We have a feeling, but we can’t wait to find out for sure.

Movement: Does gas count??? If not then nope nothing yet.

Best Moment of the Week: Well, tonight I visited with friends that just had their baby. He is only 2 weeks old and so precious! Holding him and seeing how their daily life is with a newborn helps me glimpse into the future some. Spending time with them makes me realize how excited I am to see and hold our baby!

Looking Forward to: Maternity clothes shopping AND finding out the gender!

Food Cravings: Most of my pregnancy I’ve been craving carbs like crazy. When I was 8 weeks or so all I wanted to eat were tomato sandwiches and grilled cheese made on white Wonder bread. I’ve never preferred Wonder bread to other types of bread, but I literally dreamed about it. Now, over past few weeks I’ve been craving pasta and soup. This week, I’ve been craving sushi and artificial crab meat like no other, which sucks! Sunday, Kevin and I went to eat sushi for lunch because I HAD to have it. I only ate a California roll and a couple of the just veggie rolls (its an all you can eat place that serves each roll in only 2 or 3 pieces). It sort of helped with my craving but not really. I had to stare at all the other delicious sushi that I couldn’t have! As far as the artificial crab meat goes, I mean, your guess is as good as mine.

Things Making Me Queasy/Sick: Ummm….not much really. I’ve been fortunate to not have many aversions. The aversions that I have had have come and gone really quickly. OH! Curry….I love eating red curry from our favorite Thai places, but I haven’t been able to eat it since I’ve been pregnant! This might be the worst thing since its my usual!

Labor Signs: Nope! Thank the Lord! Baby needs to cook for another 190 days or so!

What I Miss: Just being able to eat whatever I want! Sushi and seafood mostly. I was on a really big smoked salmon kick before the pregnancy and I was just starting to enjoy red wine! I miss those things…oh and soft cheese

Symptoms: Lately its mostly been the fatigue. Nausea here and there, but its not too bad. Some headaches as well.

Nursery: Well since we don’t know the gender yet we can’t really start planning the nursery. I’ve definitely been doing some research on the looks and some inspirations (or pinspirations).

Belly Button In or Out: In! Hopefully it’ll stay that way for awhile.

Wedding Ring On or Off: On! Hopefully for awhile as well!

Mood: The first couple of months were really rough. It was a toss up on whether or not I was going to cry or yell. My poor husband. Its seemed to even out as of right now, but I’m not holding my breath for the steadfast change.

Workouts: Uhhh…can we talk about something else….. I’ve done a few yoga routines and I walk up and down the stairs a lot. Yeah, that’s pretty much it. At some point I’d like to start the prenatal yoga class they have on base and do that weekly. Oh and once the second trimester hits I need to start working up to my 300 squats per day. Yeah, 300. Apparently, it helps prepare you’re body for birth. We’ll just see if I ever make it to the full 300/day. I also keep telling myself that I’m going to go to the gym and start doing SOMETHING there, but I have had zero energy or motivation to do so.

Letter to Baby: Precious baby, I want you to know that you are the most important thing to me. You are so tiny, but have already changed the way I see the world. You’ve already helped me to become a better person. I love you more than you’ll ever know and I can’t wait to meet you.

Love, Mom

So there you have it, my first post in my pregnancy series! I hope you’ll have as much fun reading them as I have writing them! If there is another category you’re wondering about just let me know and I’ll add it to my questionnaire (stolen from @CarolinaCharm)! Thanks so much for reading and sharing this experience with me!

Til next time!


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So Let Me Tell You About Space A

Hey Y’all,

Those who know me personally know that I recently had to take an impromptu trip back to the states because of a family emergency. In order to get to and from the states without paying GOBBS of money, I’ve had to test my luck getting a Space Available (Space A) military flight. If you are unfamiliar with the concept, don’t panic, I’m going to explain it to you. Space A  is a wonderful program where members of the Armed Forces and their families can fill extra seats on military flights, FO FREE. Although, its not always so. So, I’m going to share a few tips with you guys that have either been passed down from much wiser travelers or from events that I have experienced myself, but don’t let me fool you. I’ve only done this once. Hopefully this will help all you future Space A travelers instead of scare you away from the process. Here goes:

This is how the process works:

1.) Command Sponsorship:Get in touch with your active duty member’s commander and request a command sponsorship letter for Space A travel.

2.)Find Your Terminal: Find the closest Space A provider and obtain their phone number and email address. Most Space A passenger terminals have a Facebook page with their contact information and updates on flight information. (These pages will be your lifeline in the Space A game) Its helpful to find multiple Space A terminals in your area if possible.

3.) Sign Up: Send your information to the passenger terminal email in which you wish to leave and return. You must attach your command sponsorship letter to your email. Sign up at all of the surrounding terminals just in case there is an influx of passengers at your desired terminal or your terminal is a hub for Space A travel.  This is the information you will want to provide in your sign up email:Name: 

Doe, Jane K

Rank: Spouse

SSN: 123-45-6789
Seats Required:1
Travel Status: Cat 5
Branch of Service: Army (or your branch if different)
Date Leave Begins:      (active military members only)
Date Leave Ends:        (active military members only)
Country Choices:       list up to 5 choices
Dependent Names/Type of Passport (US or Foreign)/Passport Numbers: US No Fee Passport #1234567890- EXP Date: 01 Jan  2014
4.) Print Off Your Confirmation or Sign Up Email: Some terminals will you send you a confirmation email but some will not. People make mistakes and emails get overlooked. If you have your confirmation email, the passenger terminal will be able to see the time and date that you signed up and it will put you in your rightful place on the list. Just make sure you have a way to prove your time/date sign up. If you do not receive a confirmation email, go ahead and give the terminal a call just to make sure you made it to their list. It’s just good to double check.
5.) Determine Time and Date of Travel: Once you have everything squared away with sign up,  keep an eye on the Facebook page’s updates on flights. They only update flights 72 hours prior to departure. Once it gets close to your desired departure date, you can decide which date you would like to travel. Remember, there is a chance you won’t make it on to your first flight so look at options later in the week or at nearby terminals as well. Its important not to put all your eggs in one basket, if you can help it.
6.) Sign-In: When your date of travel finally arrives, all that is left to do is sign-in and wait for your name to be called…or not. To sign-in you should arrive 1-2 hours prior to roll call (Roll Call is the time they will begin processing Space A passengers onto the flight manifest NOT the time that the flight leaves) with your luggage (up to 2 bags of 70 lbs and a carry on unless otherwise stated) and paperwork (command sponsorship letter, passport, military ID, proof of sign up time and date) *It also doesn’t hurt to keep a copy of your spouse’s orders with you when you travel OCONUS (Outside the CONtinental United States) but its not a requirement for Space A. I might just be paranoid*
7.) Wait for your name to be called: Once Roll Call begins you will be able to see on a monitor, in some but not all terminals, where your name falls on the Space A manifest. The manifest is put together by 6 categories. Here’s a website to help you decide which category you fall under. If your name is called then you’ve gotten a seat, but don’t celebrate to much. If someone from a higher category or someone on orders shows up, you could lose your seat on the plane. Save your celebrating for take off. If you are not called then you have to try again on the next available flight.

Here are few little tips just to keep in mind when planning to use Space A travel:

1.) PLAN AHEADIf you want to travel overseas, it is most definitely in your favor to PLAN AHEAD. How far ahead you ask? 60 days. Once you sign up for Space A, your name will stay on the list for 60 days before you have to resubmit. Once you have a command sponsorship letter from your military member’s commander it is good for 90 days. Send that letter to the terminal (through email) you want to go through 60 DAYS in advance. I repeat 60 DAYS in advance. Like I said previously, most passenger terminals have a Facebook page where they post updated information about flights. Some terminals have some sort of routine in the flight schedule to common destinations…at least a little bit anyway. Once it starts getting down toward 50ish days your name should be close to the top of your respective category. Plan to start looking for flights about a week or 2 prior to your 60 day deadline. You don’t want to show up on the 60th day, not get a spot on the plane and have to resubmit your paperwork. Then you would fall from the top of the list to the very last one. No one likes being at the bottom of the Space A list.

2.) DON’T GET AHEAD OF YOURSELF: No matter how good of a chance you think you have of getting on a flight, don’t purchase a plane/bus/train ticket to your final destination until you are safely cruising at 30,000 feet and your steward(ess) says that you can now safely use your electronic device. You don’t want to get too hasty and lose out on money you could have saved. Yes, ticket prices are more expensive last minute most of the time, BUT some airlines will try to sell last minute tickets for cheap. On my Space A travel adventure, I never paid more than $200 on my tickets from BWI to TN and back. Make sure you utilize and other sites like it. Also, if you go to an airline’s ticketing counter and tell them your situation, they may give you a decent deal on a last minute flight.

3.) TRAVEL OUT OF SEASONDo NOT think that you are going to be that one special person that gets on a flight during the first 2 weeks of June. The odds will not be ever in your favor. Summer = PCS season overseas. Not mention all those cute little kiddos are getting out of school and OCCUPYING all the seats on the plane with their CAT 3 active duty member. All of you experienced Space A flyers can relate to the deflation that comes with seeing a family of 5 signing in ahead of you. As far as I know the best time to try for Space A travel is from mid-late Aug-Nov and mid-late Jan to mid May, although you don’t want to push it with May. I would stay on the earlier side of May if I were you.

4.) BE ABLE TO ENTERTAIN YOURSELF: You may be waiting for hours if not days, especially if you are traveling in peak season. I spent roughly 40 hours waiting at airports in the matter of 3 days trying to get on 4 different flights. If you are at a bigger airport, try and find the USO. It will be a nice place to sit and wait. They have food, TV, places to charge your electronics, baggage storage, bathrooms, child play rooms, and sleeping rooms (Based on the USO at BWI airport). Just remember to take a book or 2, a puzzle book, have something to watch or listen to on your phone or computer. You’re going to need something to keep yourself entertained. Its really just for your sanity.

5.) BE PREPARED TO FLY ON A CARGO PLANE: If you are flying Space A there is a chance that you will be flying on a military cargo plane…with cargo. Here are somethings you will want/need if this happens: You HAVE to have closed heel and closed toe shoes to fly on cargo aircraft. Make sure you have your sneakers handy. I haven’t been on one, but I have heard that they are very cold and very loud. Layers are always a good idea when flying, but make sure you have something to keep you warm. Have earplugs or something to put in your ears to help drown out the noise of the aircraft. Although, there are positives about a cargo flight as well. From what I hear, they are much more spacious. The gentlemen, who was returning home from Afghanistan, that sat next to me on my Space A trip back to the states told me that he has witnessed people throwing a football back in forth in a cargo plane as well as someone blowing up an inflatable mattress and getting a good night’s sleep on their journey. Those seem like definite perks to me.

6.) BE OPEN TO CHATTING WITH THOSE AROUND  YOU: I have had so many wonderful conversations with the people around me who are also waiting for those same seats. You might think that people get competitive and envious about seats. I’m sure it happens, but it hasn’t been my experience. So many people are rooting for others to get on the flight as well as themselves. Not to mention you hear great stories and gain a new friend for the time being. You also may run into a really experienced Space A traveler who can give you tons of helpful tips and tricks. Its always nice to be able to share your experience with someone who understands whats happening. I’m a chatty person though so this one might just relate to the talkers out there.

7.) PACK SNACKS: It will make your tummy and your wallet happy if you pack your own snacks. Remember how I said that I waited approximately 40 hours at the airport? That’s a lot of meals and snacks. If you’ve never eaten at an airport before, let me just tell ya, its expensive. That’s a lot of meals and snacks that were just mediocre in which I had to pay a ridiculous amount. I wanted to order a Bloody Mary after a long day of waiting. Guess how much they wanted for a SINGLE SHOT…I’ll just take a minute to let you get you’re guess together…..$10.80! TEN FREAKIN EIGHTY!!!!! One ounce of mixed alcohol that costs pretty much $11. Excuse me, no, I’m not made of gold.  Plus, you may be going to a terminal on a small Air Force Base such as Joint Base Andrews, all you can expect to find there is a vending machine. Packing your own snacks will allow you to eat the things you like and not have promise your first born child in order to fill your stomach.

8.) GET COMFORTABLE WITH REJECTION: Especially if you are traveling in peak season and a CAT 5 (dependent traveling without a spouse). You may have planned perfectly and done everything exactly like you were supposed. You still might not make it on the plane. Space A can be full of false hope. Things might be looking real good for you until you meet up for roll call and realize that there is enough people here to start a new country. Well that was slightly hyperbolic, BUT when 200 people are fighting for 93 seats it can be a little deflating. Just prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

9.) JUST BECAUSE YOU’RE CAT 1 TO YOUR DESTINATION DOESN’T MEAN YOU’RE CAT 1 COMING BACK: If, God forbid, you have to utilize Space A for emergency purposes just know that you will be CAT 1 on your way out (if approved by the Red Cross), but you will not be CAT 1 on the way back. You will return to whatever category you would originally be placed in. Therefore, if you are a dependent traveling without your active duty member you will return to CAT 5. Yes, that means that you have to leave at a moments notice so your name will not be on the list for very long and most likely be farther down the list. Just be prepared for this IF you have to travel for an emergency. Here is some information about what you will need for an emergency case:

Spouse’s Name, DOB, SS#, and Unit Info (including supervisor’s name and number to either him or the staff duty desk). Loved one’s Name, DOB, location, and someone who can confirm the emergency. In your case, that would be either the hospital if she/he is there or the funeral home.

Red Cross:

German #:06371-86-7298

US toll free 24/7 #:001-877-272-7337

10.) UTILIZE MILITARY FRIENDLY RESOURCES IF NEEDED: If you are stuck and you cannot seem to get a flight to your destination, try to utilize companies that work with the military on a regular basis. I had to eventually buy a plane ticket back to Germany after waiting for a week. I purchased my ticket from SATO travel for hundreds of dollars cheaper than what I could find online. SATO travel provides state to state plane tickets for those who are PCSing within the states, but they also have a vacation aspect to their company. I love SATO because they are always extremely nice and will do what they can to get you the best price possible. Also, if you are stationed in Germany you can go through RTT travel. On Ramstein AFB there is an agency in the BX. You can contact them through email as well if you are stuck in the states and have no access to international calling. I have not used them personally for international travel, but I’ve heard that they have better rates than what you would be able to find yourself.  I will add in the contact information for these resources below.

RTT Travel:

DSN 480-6330/6650
CIV 06371-46360
Fax 06371-44323

SATO Travel:

Help desk: 866-299-7374

Emergency assistance: 1-866-361-5078

German number: 06221 14670


Ok, well I think that about covers all the info I have for you. I really hope this is helpful for everyone out there who might be wondering about Space A and just doesn’t know how to go about it. I’m sure I’ve missed things since I have only utilized Space A this once so feel free to comment and let me know other valuable tips and tricks. I’ll make sure to add them in! Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoy!


Til next time!



Insecurities of a Housewife

Hey Y’all,

So, I’m finding it harder and harder to blog weekly like I told myself I would. Honestly, I don’t have a lot to say lately. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or bad. It means that I’m settling in to my new home. It means that life is beginning to feel normal again. It means that I’m not always comparing the states and Germany to each other. It means that a routine has been established. With routine comes complacency, but also stability.  Boredom, but comfort.

This is the first time that I haven’t had school, work, or both to keep me busy. It’s an odd feeling to go from “I’m so incredibly busy and stressed that I don’t know how to make it through the week” to “Well, today I need to sweep and mop and do laundry, and tomorrow I need to clean the bathrooms.” I know, I know. I shouldn’t be complaining and really I’m not trying to. I’m just saying, I was at one extreme and dropped way down to the other.  It’s an adjustment. Everyone says, “Enjoy the fact that you have so few responsibilities and so much free time” and I do…sometimes. As a person that was raised to work hard, pay my own way, and always contribute I’m not used to not working hard, paying my own way, or contributing (monetarily).  I know that it is temporary, and in the future I’ll look back on this part of my life and miss the freedom that I have. I’ll kick myself for not doing more with my time, but that thought isn’t so comforting when you’re feeling the insecurities of being a house wife. “The rule is, jam tomorrow and jam yesterday-but never jam today” -Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

I know what you’re thinking, “Well if you are so worried then DO something about it for crying out loud!” Yes, I know and I’m trying. If you read this blog regularly then you know I’m reading much more than I did in the past. The other day Kevin and I got onto to subject of the books I’ve been reading and blogging about. He said, ” How many books have you read since you’ve been here?” The answer is 4 and I’m 64% through my 5th in the matter of 4 months. Before I graduated college I think I had read 6 books, for pleasure, in 4.5 years of higher education.  I starved my imagination for so long that I fully intend to commit one of the 7 deadly sins. I will be a literary glutton while I have the opportunity. I will gorge my mind on new stories and information because it’s just good for you. Period. Had you told me I would be saying this at the age of 16 I probably would’ve rolled my eyes, but 16 year old me still had a lot to learn about making me happy instead of trying to make everyone around me happy and hoping that it would rub off. Clearly, it doesn’t work that way.

For those of you who are thinking, “She is talking about not working and paying her own way. Why doesn’t she just get a job…?” Well, easier said than done, my friend. There are a few government jobs out there. Last time I checked there were 52 U.S. government jobs….in all of Germany. No, not 52 available jobs in my area, but the whole of the country. Not to mention all the ones that I don’t even qualify for. After I had narrowed down the jobs to the ones I 1.) am qualified to apply for and 2.) are in my location there were 4 job opportunities. One of them being an “as needed” position.  When I said a few, I meant it. But no, it’s not impossible and now that I have been here awhile I’ve realized there are more opportunities other than just what is posted on With that being said, I plan on going back to the states over the summer for an extended period of time. If I lucked out and got called in for an interview, nailed it, and received a job offer today and started working tomorrow, I would work for 1 solid month. Then I would have to turn around and say “I hope you are okay with me being gone for a month or longer without a solid return date. By the way, thanks for the job! See ya when I see ya!” I’m pretty sure most employers don’t have a “take vacations when you please for however long you please because we honestly don’t care!” policy. But don’t fret, once I get back and things start settling down again you better believe the job search will be on like donkey kong.

I’m sure some of you are thinking, ” This girl clearly has no social life or friends. If she did she wouldn’t be so whiny.” First of all, I don’t appreciate being called whiny. Second of all, I do so! I have met a wonderful group ladies, in our battalion and otherwise, that have taken me in and include me so many fun activities. The best thing about living in a military community is the fact that most everyone has been where you have been. They know how you are feeling and they understand. Most everyone is willing to help you and they want you to succeed because they were you once before. If you are willing to reach out someone will almost always be there to take your hand. That is something that I need to remember for myself as I can be some what bullheaded from time to time.

Anyway, I started writing this blog not really know what it would turn into. This is has been on my mind a lot lately so I guess I just needed some blog therapy to get it out. Luckily, I know I have the support of my wonderful husband, family and friends, and my military community. What else could a girl need?

(I find it funny that I wrote about 1,000 words without even trying and 1,500 word essays in college were like nails on a chalk board to me)

Thanks for listening

Til next time!



Hey Y’all,

Kevin and I were a bit down yesterday so we decided to take a little day trip to Rüdesheim am Rhein to get our spirits up. Rüdesheim is a picturesque town in the Rheingau (Rhine River wine region). Parts of the Rheingau are credited for the early adaptations of Riesling (sweet white wine), my favorite. The Rhine River is a host to many beautiful villages, vineyards, and castles so it was a perfect decision for our day trip. Oh and its only a little bit over an hour away from our village! We thoroughly enjoyed our time in Rüdesheim and can’t wait to go back!

Vineyard CollageThe vineyards are vast and sprawling. Its absolutely gorgeous! Kevin and started discussing a romantic over night trip. We stumbled upon a hotel  atop a mountain overlooking the vineyards, village, and river. We think it’ll be a perfect location for a little get-a-way. There are walking and hiking trails meandering through the vineyards as well.

Once we parked (which was a feat) we headed toward the Seilbahn which is like a cable car system. The Seilbahn took us up to the Niederwald park which holds a panoramic view of Rüdesheim. On top of the mountain there was a restaurant, the Niederwalddenkmal statue, and gazebo.

Kevin Siegelbach



Statue Collage

The statue was erected to commiserate  the German Empire and the uniting of the German people. It reads, “In memory of the unanimous victorious uprising of the German People and of the reinstitution of the German Empire 1870-1871.” The figure on top is called Germania and holds the crown of the emperor in the left hand and the Imperial sword in the right.

After snapping a few pictures, we went back down to the village to walk around the shops and see the sights.

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Kevin and I were impressed with the number of weingartens (exactly what it sounds like) and lovely little restaurants. So much of the little village looks like it is right out of a story book.

Even though it was a bit chilly and overcast yesterday, we managed to find a few things to remind us that Spring is here!


A little Ostereier (Easter egg) Shop.

Flowers Collage

After seeing as much as we could that day, we were pooped and headed for home. It was such a pleasant little day trip. We cannot wait to revisit the area and go for a Rhine river cruise!

Til next time!



Hey Y’all,

So, originally the deal with the book review series is that I would post once a month. This doesn’t really work out for me because I’m finding that I’m reading books in less than a week which leaves quite a bit of time where I’m not reading anything. I want to always be reading something and always sharing information with you all about what I’m reading. To make a long story short, it looks like I’m going to be posting more book reviews than 1 per month. It will just depend on how busy I am that month and how good my book choices are. Anyway, this time I’m reviewing The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. I’m going to try a new format that I think might be kind of fun. Hope you like it!


Brief Summary:

Hazel Grace Lancaster is 16 year old girl suffering from thyroid cancer that has spread into her lungs. She is terminal. Hazel reluctantly attends a cancer support group for adolescents in the Literal Heart of Jesus (Don’t get it? Read the book.) at the request of her mother. During one of the meetings she meets Augustus (Gus) Waters who catches her eye immediately. The Fault in Our Stars is the story of their “sick” romance and what it means to love and be loved while death is knocking on their doors.

I Read This Book In:

2 days…maybe closer to 36 hours


1.) “I could not run or dance or eat foods rich in nitrogen, but in the city of freedom, I was among the most liberated of its residents.”           -Hazel Lancaster

2.) ‘ “All salvation is temporary.” Augustus shot back “I bought them a minute. Maybe that’s the minute that buys them an hour, which is         the hour that buys them a year. No one’s gonna buy them forever, Hazel Grace, but my life bought them a minute. And that’s not         nothing.” ‘ -Augustus Waters

3.) “I like a woman who says, you know, I’m going over to see a boy who is having a nervous breakdown, a boy whose connection to        the sense of sight itself is tenuous, and gosh dang it, I am going to wear a dress for him.” -Augustus Waters

4.) Hazel: “God, you’re the best.”

     Augustus Waters: “I bet you say that to all the boys who finance your international travel,”

     (I like this one because it reminds me of something Kevin would say)

Things I Love About This Book:

1.) The fact that it made me laugh and cry

2.) Augustus Waters

3.) That Augustus calls Hazel by her first and middle name

3.) It’s a LOVE story (naturally I’m a sucker)

4.) The fact that they set out on an international adventure

5.)The perspective – a little morbid but different

6.) It’s going to be a movie!

Things I Didn’t Love About This Book:

1.) Everything is a metaphor

2.) Peter Van Houten

3.) The pessimism – I’m an optimist by nature

4.) The Fact that John green Capitalizes Random Words throughout the Story.

My Favorite Scene Was:

Isaac, Augustus, and Hazel throwing eggs at Monica’s car.

If you haven’t guessed, one of the main themes in this story is death so have a box of tissues ready! On a positive note, this story is funny. I laughed, out loud I might add, more than I cried. It’s always the mark of a good story when it can make you do both, and feel all the emotions in between.

The movie is set to release June 6, 2014 (in the states). You know I won’t leave you hanging.

Here’s the movie trailer:

If you’ve read my past book reviews then you know this format is different. I’d love to hear what you, the reader, prefers. I am here to serve. So let me know!

Til next time!



Hey Y’all,

So, I missed my deadline, ONCE AGAIN, for my book review. Twice in a freaking row. That clearly means that the 15th of every month doesn’t work for me. Therefore, I have made the executive decision to do the book review the day of or day after I finish the book. This way I don’t have to deal with that nagging deadline. Unless someone wants to pay me for my opinion, I don’t need no stinkin’ deadline. Anyway, lets get down to business. This month I read Divergent by Veronica Roth.


I know what you’re thinking. “Um Camille, the movie ALREADY came out for this book.” Yes, I am aware…and slightly jealous. This is why I’m going to be super short in this review. Pretty much everyone knows what this book is about.

The book takes place in a dystopian future Chicago. The population is broken up into 5 factions: Dauntless, Erudite, Abnegation, Amity, and Candor. All the adolescents are tested to see in which faction they belong. If they fit into a different faction from which they came, they must decide to stay with their home faction or leave and earn a place in a new one. The story follows Beatrice (Tris) Potter through her decisions regarding her future and what that means for her and those around her.

Here’s a little Faction quiz for you:

(Stole this from the Divergent fan page, but lets pretend that I made it up)



1. You most want your friends and family to see you as someone who…

  • A. Is willing to make sacrifices and help anyone in need.
  • B. Is liked by everyone.
  • C. Is trustworthy.
  • D. Will protect them no matter what happens.
  • E. Offers wise advice.

2. When you are faced with a difficult problem, you react by…

  • A. Doing whatever will be the best thing for the greatest number of people.
  • B. Creating a work of art that expresses your feelings about the situation.
  • C. Debating the issue with your friends.
  • D. Facing it head-on. What else would you do?
  • E. Making a list of pros and cons, and then choosing the option that the evidence best supports.

3. What activity would you most likely find yourself doing on the weekend or an unexpected day off?

  • A. Volunteering.
  • B. Painting, dancing, or writing poetry.
  • C. Sharing opinions with your friends.
  • D. Rock climbing or skydiving!
  • E. Catching up on your homework or reading for pleasure.

4. If you had to select of of the following options as a profession, which would you choose?

  • A. Humanitarian. 
  • B. Farmer.
  • C. Judge.
  • D. Firefighter.
  • E. Scientist.

5. When choosing you outfit for the day, you select…

  • Whatever will attract the least amount of attention.
  • B. Something comfortable, but interesting to look at.
  • C. Something that’s simple but still expresses your personality.
  • D. Whatever will attract the most attention.
  • E. Something that will not distract or inhibit you from what you have to do that day.

6. If you discovered that a friend’s significant other was being unfaithful, you would…

  • A. Tell your friend because you feel that it is unhealthy for him or her to continue in a relationship where such selfish behavior is present.
  • B. Sit them both down so that you can act as a mediator when they talk it over.
  • C. Tell your friend as soon as possible. You can’t imagine keeping that knowledge a secret.
  • D. Confront the cheater! You might also take action by slashing the cheater’s tires or egging his or her house—all in the name of protecting your friend, of course.
  • E. Keep it to yourself, statistics show that your friend will find out eventually.

7. What would you say is your highest priority right now?

  • A. Serving those around you.
  • B. Finding peace and happiness for yourself.
  • C. Seeking truth in all things.
  • D. Developing your strength of character.
  • E. Success in work or school.





A is Abnegation
B is Amity
C is Candor
D is Dauntless
E is Erudite
Since I had 2 A’s, 2 B’s, 2 C’s, and 1 D I guess that would make me DIVERGENT!!!!!! I’m ok with that because “I don’t want to be just one thing. I want to be brave and selfless and intelligent and honest and kind.” Thank you Four you said that perfectly.
Anyway, the movie came out March 21, 2014. I don’t know when we will have it over here in good ole Germany, but hopefully its soon! It was a super fun and easy read. I read it in 3 days! So definitely go read and/or see it! Very entertaining!
Ok, so I hope you guys all go out and grab a book (or E-book like me) or a movie ticket!
Next month I will be reviewing A Fault in Our Stars by John Green
I hear good things!

Til next time



My Hiatus

Hey Y’all,

Hopefully you’ve noticed that I haven’t been posting for the past few weeks. SO, that means I have A LOT to talk about. My brother and sister-in-law (Franz and Shannon) have been visiting us for the past 3 weeks. Shannon has a blog { @OurLifeAfterWar}. You can stop by and see her blog posts about their Eurotrip! While Franz and Shannon were visiting we went to a soccer game (always a favorite in the Walkup household), visited Heidelberg, took a trip to Cologne (Köln auf Deutsch), and last but more certainly not least, Paris! I’m really only going to focus on our trips to Cologne and Paris since I’ve already done posts on soccer and Heidelberg. So here goes! 

Köln (Cologne):


ImageCologne is about an hour and a half drive from our village BUT it took us twice as long to get there because my lovely husband threw a temper tantrum, and had to stop to eat before we got into Cologne city center. This little detour was completely pointless since its common practice for the restaurants to close between the hours of 2:00 pm and 6:00 pm which is exactly when we made our stop. So we drove around and around looking for an open restaurant yet there was not a single one to be found. After our detour we decided to drive into the city because there would likely be more food options. After arriving and parking in the city we went in search of food once again, and got lost. We finally found an open restaurant and had some of the best German food I have ever had. We left the restaurant only to get lost again which resulted in a walk through the red light district…which was interesting. Finally upon nightfall, we actually got to see a few sights and did a little shopping. While walking through all the shops and such, the boys spotted the Lego store. Obviously 2 fully grown active duty U.S. Army soldiers would want go in and spend a good 20 minutes sitting in seats meant for children while building a “bridge” from one place setting to the another while their wives snapped pictures.


We ended the night with a little gelato and headed for home.

The very next day we decided to get up early and take a day trip to Paris! I’ve been to Paris previously, but I was super excited to revisit. The first time I went with People to People Student Ambassadors.


This is me in Paris in 2009 at the spry age of 18. Just excuse those sunglasses that are clearly to big for my face and my washed out tye dye. I thought I was really cute though. Be glad that I love you enough to share this.

Now 5 years later I have returned to my people! (Camille is a French name so I can call the French my people, right?) I’m going to warn you right now. I didn’t take quite enough pictures of the Eiffel Tower……said no non-Parisian girl ever. There are pics a plenty so be prepared.




Have you had enough of the E.T. yet???

Hey Coca Cola, are you looking for a new add campaign???

Image(That picture was my husbands idea, surprisingly enough)

 We did see other things while we were in Paris I promise. I have proof!!!


We were so lucky to have a perfect blue sky and exceptionally sunny day.


France is known for a lot, but the cuisine especially. Food is my FAVORITE part of traveling so I’m super happy to share these next pictures.

Shannon and I were determined to try macarons for the first time, and boy did we.

ImageWe stopped in at one of the first shops we passed. I’ve heard mixed reviews on these sweets. Either people love them or hate them. Well you can go ahead and put me on the LOVE list. They. Are. So. Good.

Kevin and Franz’s first priority was to get REAL French fries. They got their wish, under the Eiffel Tower.


Kevin made quite a few friends with his fries.


Later, we ate at a quaint little place called Cafe St. Germaine and had a delightful dinner.


I ordered the Tartare having no idea what it actually was. I speak zero French. Dumb yet adventurous. Our lovely waiter, whose name was also Kevin, made an educated guess that I was clueless about my main dish. He very nicely explained that tartare is raw beef mixed with seasonings and other goodies. I decided to go for it anyway after he exclaimed, “It’s very good!” in his French accent. By golly he was right!!! Tartare is delicious!! The sound of raw meat is scary at first, but the fear dispelled mid first bite. So, naturally I ate it all. I would’ve licked the plate had there been less witnesses. When our waiter came back to collect the our plates he saw that I rather enjoyed my dish. He said “You liked it! You are practically French already!” So, when you hear someone say that the French are rude to Americans you can say “Nuh uh!!!”. Our waiter was extremely helpful, polite, and entertaining. Shout out to Kevin at Cafe St. Germaine! Never change bro. (End high school yearbook signing)

After our lovely meal we walked back to the car and headed for home.

We didn’t get the chance to visit Notre Dame so on our way out Kevin (my husband, Kevin, not the waiter) so kindly opened the sunroof and said “Go ahead, get your picture” as we passed by.


Anyway, YOU MADE IT!!! I know this was a marathon of a blog post. If I had a 26.2 sticker to give you I would, but sadly I don’t. Thanks for sticking with it though. It’s so greatly appreciated. Even if you only scrolled through to look at the pictures. Yes, I know you people are out there. That’s besides the point. I hope you enjoyed yourself while you persevered!

Til next time!
